I have not written anything here in a while, the time has come !
The wait is over, you twitchy fingered fans are finally getting your hands on the final volume of Kratos' Saga !!!!!!
I am guessing
Gamestop stores and other game retailers will be flooded with peeps eager to get their copy so they can run back home and not sleep, be the first to post everything about the game, the good, the not so good, the surprises, stuff that's not in the trailers (believe or not we left out quite a bit of awesomeness for you to enjoy first hand), combo videos and so on... videos of your girlfriends smashing your playstations... and your neighbors with their, sad substitutes for God of war will realize, they need
one of these too :)
If you are waiting for your copy just keep your saliva glands active by checking out the links on
Gametrailers for a Bonanza of video clips and team interviews !!!
Have fun, and don't neglect your girlfriends too much... or keep your hammers locked away.